Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Swedish revision so far.

Well, I have been revising Swedish alot over the weekend and Friday, and have learnt quite a few things, including Ordinal numbers, and plural forms of Nouns, and a basic idea of how Verbs work in present, past, perfect, and pluperfect tenses.

I have a few Swedish arbeta textbooks, most of which i still can't read, but i did look through one and found that i can understand quite a bit of a passage in the beginning of the book. My girlfriend tells me that the book is for 14 year olds who are on their second year of Swedish in school in Finland.

So, here is what i can read and understand out of the book, just to show how far ive got in my 3 weeks of learning Swedish:

"Åland är trevligt. Mickes anteckningar:

Andra juni, klockan elva på kvällen.

Ja, nu sitter jag här i mitt rum på Notvikens camping. Rresan gick bra. Kom med dagfärjan från Nådendal till Mariehamn. Morfar hämtade mig med bilen. Det är ungefär 30 kilometer till Mariehamn. Är trött. Ska upp tidligt!

Fjärde juni, på lunchrasten:

Lugnt! Hyr ut båtar till gästerna. Många hyr en båt och åker ut och fiskar. Vi hyr ut fiskegrejer också. Det kommer folk med egna segelbåtar och motorbåtar. Dom stannar en natt och tankar, tvättar och duschar.

Nionde juni, på minigolfbanan:

Hjälper till på minigolfbanan. Det är många barnfamiljer här. Vädret är inti så bra, mulet, så ingen badar. Dom spelar minigolf, i stället. Oj, nu kommer en massa bilar och två camping bilar. En 20 fransk bil! Det kommer inte så många fransmän hit. Hoppas dom kan engelska. Jag kan inte franska."

Jag förstår inte just tre ord. 'hit', 'hyr', och 'dagfärjan'. Så, jag seger jag kan förstår svenska mycket bra, för just tre veckar av lär svenska, eller hur?

I know i still obviously make mistakes, but i hope that i can type Swedish well enough that it is understandable, which i think i do :P

I have also watched "Hitta nemo", as i wrote that, i just realized what 'hit' means from the passage :P lol. It is fun to watch animation movies in Swedish, as i tend to be much more interested in it, and my ears are more concentrated on hearing the words. And the voices that the characters have in Swedish sound so great, and some of the phrases they say are so funny.

Am i at a normal progressive level in Swedish, or am i not where i'm supposed to be after 3 weeks? I was just thinking, if i learnt that much in three weeks, compared to how much Finnish i knew after three weeks of learning it, i thought i was much better at Swedish, but now i think, what if i am behind on Swedish, as maybe many people have learnt much more in 3 weeks of learning it? So, i have no idea if i am good at Swedish or if iam bad at Swedish. Can you please tell me if i have learnt swedish quicker than usual, slower than usual, or at an average speed?

Hejdå, och vi ses imorgon.